28 research outputs found

    Overview European Projects

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    This paper provides an overview of the European projects that run in the Learning Technology Development Programme (Learning Networks) of the OUNL.European Commissio

    D2.1 Overview of the current and emerging European Professional Training Market

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    Present developments and trends in the European (e)training market for professionals. Includes an overview by regions and description of the major players.European Commission, through the FP-5 IST programm

    D2.2 Needs assessment for future professional training in Europe

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    The document presents a qualitative view of the e-learning market in companies, and above all, to determine precisely the customer needs on that market in the near futureEuropean Commission, through the FP-5 IST programm

    2001 year report Work Package 3

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    Two interrelated developments - occurring almost immediately after approval of WP3 - influenced the execution of the planned activities: the activities of WP4 to make EML a de jure standard proved very successful, and thus the need to make EML a de facto standard became somewhat less critical; and because of WP4's success it was suggested to broaden the scope of the partnership programme towards R&D on learning technologies in general